Time Out of Mind

Is America the Next Atlantis?

Details the spectacular destruction of the ancient civilization of Atlantis which had become a snake pit of intrigue with factious groups vying for power and control:

  • Infiltration by the dark lords of Orion
  • Hidden scientific experiments creating atrocities
  • Split in the priesthood by intrusion of dark forces
  • Clandestine attempts to subvert the force of the crystalline grid system powering Atlantis
  • Shapechanging agents working undercover
  • Fires, floods, inundation

And Atlantis is gone.


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  • Amazon review by Laurel Johnson of Midwest Review

    If you were given two options - inventing more machines to pollute the earth and creating unnatural monstrosities OR carrying candles and singing in the wind - which would you choose? The option you prefer should tell you whether you are a part of the solution, or the problem faced by the Earth of our time.
    In this fascinating tale about the last days of Atlantis, Solara Vayanian draws chilling similarities between that ancient culture and our world today. America, especially, should heed her words. Once a shining beacon to the known world, Atlantis courted its own destruction, just as America is today. Make no mistake. The ancient primordial powers of darkness and light are doing battle in the world around us. Good versus evil. The author speaks with thrilling prose and stunning universal truths in an effort to get our attention. World events are leading to another cataclysm.
    The characters are compelling and charismatic. Despite the power of loving priestesses and wise priests, Atlantis is in its last discordant days. Light-filled Atlantians and Orion's Lords of Light are pitted against greedy, power seeking subjects in Atlantis who work in tandem with the Dark Lords of Rigel. Evil comes in clever disguises - shape shifters, abominations of nature, and evil Zenetrians - bent on claiming every known galaxy as their own.
    The people of Atlantis had drifted from days of glory towards mediocrity. They had forgotten how to live in harmony with the land. Their bodies, minds, and spirits were no longer in tune as they had been once. Integrity and unity in the populace as a whole had become conflict and chaos. They had forgotten how to embrace themselves with joy and radiate the peace of unconditional love. Sound familiar? Atlantis caused its own demise. Will we? The light of love unending is the answer. Can we heed it? Love is the only true healer. Are we capable of believing that?
    The author's descriptive passages are top rate, and her characters imaginative. There are lessons to be learned in Time Out of Mind, and converts to be won by the Powers of Light. I hope Ms. Vayanian and her sisters prevail.