The newest addition to Winged Fire Productions is the In House Publishing 2020 division. It is in development, focusing first on the new release Night Flower: A Journey of Healing the Body, Heart & Spirit from Trauma & Abuse, and the upcoming release of Time Dancers. It also features Time Out of Mind published in 2003, which continues to ask the pertinent question of whether America is the next Atlantis.

Winged Fire was first birthed in 1979 as a multimedia transformational theatre company by Solara Vayanian, producer, writer, researcher, holistic trauma recovery specialist, and founder of Kinesio-Emotional Release System. Offering compassionate care and pragmatic approaches to healing the wounds of the human heart and spirit, KERS is an adjunct system to traditional and holistic therapies for reconnecting to the self through the healing power of the natural, innate movement of the human system.

Winged Fire Productions has been producing workshops based on the KERS formula for over thirty years. The focus is the healing of the human heart and spirit. The workshops are nondenominational, compassionate and sensitive, hosted in a neutral safe space. KERS seeks out the parts of ourselves that get separated from our core truth by life’s experiences, tracking the emotional wounding underlying trauma, abuse, addiction, repressed and chronic emotional issues, fears, anxieties and other difficult issues, bringing them to light, to understanding, and to steps for resolution as they are released from the body. As a person begins to come back to themselves, they are guided to create an inner sanctuary of peace and stability within the heart and soul. Dialoguing at key points, music and other natural modalities are interwoven with movement to access those deep primal places within us that hold the information of healing.

The media/theatre division of Winged Fire is currently on hold with plans for future recommencement. Cast and directors wrote all their own material based on today’s global transformational process, utilizing the ancient and original purpose of theater: to heal and to reveal, to enlighten and to celebrate life. Thus the performances were vehicles for recognition, understanding, release, and fresh outlook.

Ms Vayanian is also a conduit of the transmutational healing dances from ancient cultures; these dances lift and potentially release negativity, conditioning, wounding, old thought forms and patterns.

All of Ms Vayanian’s work comes from the living experience and processing of her own path of the wounded healer, bringing to light the often hidden underlying issues that block the human heart and spirit from full potential, allowing them to take flight.